The Edward Betham C of E Primary School



At Edward Betham, we equip our pupils to become efficient and responsible digital citizens.  Our curriculum teaches children to be safe and independent users of technology.  During their time at school, children gain key knowledge and skills in the three main areas of the computing curriculum: computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work), information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information) and digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully). Computing supports cross curricular learning, enabling children to be confident, creative, and independent learners both now and in the future. Our computing curriculum builds sequentially and ensures that pupils become digitally literate at an age-appropriate level suitable thus preparing them for future study and to be active participants in a digital world.


  • In EYFS, as part of continuous provision, children have opportunities to complete a simple program on a computer and use a variety of computer software. Teachers plan opportunities for children to access a range of different technology. Children are given opportunities to select and use technology for different purposes
  • In KS1 and KS2 computing is taught once a week for at least forty minutes a week in a discrete computing lesson using the Teach Computing Scheme of Work. 
  • Six Computing units are taught in each year group, each lasting half a term. Two of the six of these focus on Computer Science and programming. The other four units cover Information Technology, Digital Literacy, and e-Safety.
  • The curriculum builds on prior knowledge and understanding to ensure progression of skills. (e.g. the Year 3 unit on Animation revisits the learning about the editing digital images covered in Year 2 digital images unit) 
  • Children have experiences of all three strands (Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy) in each year group.
  • In Reception and KS1, children are taught to use equipment and software confidently and purposefully, to communicate and handle information and to support their problem solving, recording and expressive skills.
  • In KS2, our children extend their use of computing that they use for communication, investigation and programming and work to understand how to communicate safely and effectively.
  • Children are taught to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms, and data representation.
  • Teachers plan lessons with opportunities for repeated practical experience of writing computer programs to solve problems. These develop in complexity as the children progress through the school.
  • Whenever possible, cross-curricular links are made to class topics so children can build on and embed their wider knowledge within their Computing lessons. This motivates pupils and supports them to make connections and remember the knowledge and skills they have been taught both in Computing and across the curriculum.
  • The resources used in school can be accessed online and children are encouraged to do further research and embed their skills from home.
  • Teachers plan lessons which are relevant to children’s lives and build skills they will need in later life (e.g. emails, app maker, green screen).
  • Children are encouraged to reflect on how their learning can be applied to other scenarios and situations (e.g. using a database and where it would be useful).
  • Safety and responsibility are taught regularly at an age appropriate level 


As a result of the computing curriculum at Edward Betham, children understand the enjoyment of technology as well as understanding the responsibility that comes with being a safe digital citizen. The impact of the computing curriculum is monitored through ongoing formative assessment including high quality questioning, teacher observations (particularly around children’s verbal contributions) and collaborative learning. The outcomes from lessons are saved onto the school system and are reviewed by the subject leader. Children retain and build on prior learning, explicitly making connections between various areas of the computing curriculum. Children are competent, critical and safe users of digital technology. They have skills to express themselves creatively using digital media, and are equipped to apply their skills in computing to different challenges going forward. It is expected that the majority of our pupils will meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National Curriculum for Computing.

Key Documents

Click on the link to open

Computing Knowledge and Skill Progression

National Curriculum Programme of Study